This is the place we would put photos, had we a digital camera....
Alas, we don't.
This is not our bus, but it is rather like it, sort of....
This is not the view out our front door....
These are not my eldest son's feet.......
Neither, are these my youngest son's feet......
This is not me and that is NOT my husband....
Well I never been to Spain, but I kinda like the picture...
Say the ladies are insane there
Well I never been to England
But I kinda like the Beatles
Well I headed out for Las Vegas
Only made it out to Needles (actually this is Mushroom Rock in Death Valley, there were no photos of Needles, imagine that...)
Well I never been to heaven
But I've been to Oklahoma (remarkably dissimilar to Heaven, doncha think?)
Whoa they tell me I was born there, but I really don't remember (actually I was born in Texas, Steve in Missouri, Christopher in Colorado and Peter in Texas as well.)
My sincerest thanks and apologies to Hoyt Axton......
......and Three Dog Night for the use (er, abuse) of their song...