I dunno, I just like them........
Deep in the Lair

Lair Links

Ramblings of the Deranged

Who Are These People...

Faerie Graphics

Christian Graphics


Griffin's Griffins (Graphics)

Just Too Cute Graphics

Simply Graphics......

These are some that show my diverse interests...... I guess....(or the signs of a seriously troubled mind).

OOOOOOOO, sparklies......

That looks like one pissed cat..... I like the artist though......wish I could remember his name....

Welsh Flag
My hubby, Steve, is Welsh, and as crazy as they come..... crazy like a fox that is.

It's a sword...... gotta love that!!!!!

One of the best shows EVER!!!!!!
I had a serious thing for Dr. Johnny Fever (the blonde, stoned looking one). Steve was hot for Bailey Quarters, (the cute brunette).

Mel in a kilt........can't go wrong there.

Flag of Scotland
I'm Scottish, and yes, I have the temper....grrrr (See?)

Well, that's all there is, there isn't anymore....................... for now.